Martxoak 8 gure
Aste honetan eta datorrenean ikasgai
askotan gogoratuko diegu geure ikasleei, gizonek historia idatzi arren, hainbat
emakume esanguratsu ere egon direla: zientzialariak, idazleak, musikariak,
kirolariak, hizkuntzalariak… Emakume hauen ekarpenetan oinarrituko gara.
El 8 de marzo recordamos que el Día Internacional de
la Mujer Trabajadora la mujer lucha por su participación, en clave de igualdad
con el hombre, en la sociedad y en su desarrollo íntegro como persona.
8th March: the origin
Although there
are different versions, it is reported to be in 1911 in New York when 129 women
factory workers, most of them about 20-year-old immigrant women, died in a fire
in the textile factory where they worked. They were locked inside as they were
on strike fighting to improve their inhuman working conditions.
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